Health Impact
Understanding the Health Impact of Aircraft Noise

Increasing Board awareness of health issues produced by aircraft noise. Seeking ways to influence policy on the health impact of noise. Representing the Board in relevant forums, maintaining a resource library of relevant links and documents, and contributing to Board member training.

The Health Impact subgroup regularly reviews health reports and relevant data

Health Reports

The CAA publishes regular reports on the health impact of aircraft noise.

CAA Aviation Noise and Health website


Review our stakeholders and organisations of interest.

World Health Organisation – Noise Fact Sheet


Frequently Asked Questions on Health Impacts

For road traffic, WHO strongly recommends reducing average noise levels below 53 decibels (dB). For night exposure, the recommendation is to keep it below 45 dB. For railway noise, WHO strongly recommends reducing average noise levels below 54 decibels (dB).

Please get in touch with any questions